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An exploration and examination of material matter and craft processes.


Autumn/Winter 2018   

This project is a focused insight to my fascination with material. My aim was simply to explore the materials within my reach and understand how material is viewed historically, philosophically and in a contemporary setting. 


I became very focused on the consumerist lens which we are programmed by society to view material through. Working closely by learning craft processes e.g. crochet, embroidery and weaving, allowed me to refresh my understanding of material, and therefore understand possible ways to attach concept, ideas and theory. 


My most fascinating discovery was the statement by Tim Ingold. He believes; the role of the scientist is to understand what the material matter is, and the role of the artist is to understand what the material matter can do. I aimed to combine a level of scientific understanding with a level of artistic understanding in a film documenting this.     

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